Wednesday, November 14, 2012


     Today I did my 2nd lesson, and I worked with the whole class this time.  The students were having their vision checked today, and that ran into my lesson.  So I had people coming in and out for that and for specials.  I am so glad that I had decided in advance which kids went into which groups.  I started out the morning with my video not working, the website was down. Just my luck. So I decided to do what was in the video.  It was a podcast from another 4th grade class, and it helped with defining the four properties we were learning.  The students had written the definitions on white boards, and the students put numbers on their feet, and they created examples of the properties.  I had this to use as a back up.  I didn't get to use it, but I thought it was a good backup just in case.  Instead I had the students to write the definitions on the board, and then I wrote problems on the board and they worked the problem and wrote the property on their whiteboards.  This helped me to see if everyone was getting the properties.  At the end I had divided the class into 3 different teams.  I had the three best students as my team leaders, and I paired my two ADHD students with 2 of the team leaders.  I created a game for them. I had written problems on the papers and put them facedown.  Starting with the first person they were to turn the paper over and do the math problem, and write the property.  Then turn the paper over and go to the back of the line and the next person goes.  They each got 2 turns.  Afterwards, I saw a few things  that I could have done differently.  I should have asked them to put their name's on each page, and had a chart with the properties listed with the full property name and the abbreviation. They could have put the abbreviation instead of writing the full name.  I timed them to see who got finished first.  I did give everyone a sticker that said AMAZING.  This lesson was the first time that I actually got mostly positive feedback.  I asked the kids during the day what part of my lesson did they enjoy, and what part helped them the most.  They all said the game was the best part and it helped them the most.  My cooperative teacher also gave me lots of complements.  Now to get ready for lesson 3.  This one will be my hardest one, because it will be in science.  I am not a science person.  Give me math (my fave) or reading anyday.  I am going to step out of my comfort zone and go for it.  I'm excited about the challenge.

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